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 Microneedling + COSMOPen 

Microneedling, also referred to as Skin Needling or Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) is an aesthetic medical procedure that involves repeatedly puncturing the skin with tiny, sterile needles in order to induce the production of cutaneous collagen. 

COSMOPen is a cutting-edge, high-speed microneedling system 

The use of COSMOPen through microneedling is used to treat surgical scars—including keloids. In addition to this, COSMOPen also improves wrinkles, stretch marks, pore size, and signs of aging.  Furthermore, by vertically piercing the skin, COSMOPen helps naturally induce collagen production and treat pigmentation.   


The Up & Down movement prevents trauma, while the small tip makes hard to reach areas more accessible.

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